Join (2006)


~ an interactive sound installation

Eric Washburn Gallery- The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 5/30/06- 6/2/06

All Rights Reserved ~ Jason Fick ~ © 2010-2021

Join was designed as vehicle to increase the exposure of new art forms featuring technology within the local Eugene community.  Participants are encouraged to make sound by any means possible, including using the found objects placed on a table in the center of the space.  A microphone records the sound material and a digital sound environment processes the sound material in real-time   Miller Puckette’s fiddle~ max/msp tool was used to recognize the pitch of the given objects.  Thus, the volume, articulation, and combination of sounds sensed by the program influence the positions of various parameters of the digital signal processing tools (aided with computer influenced probabilistic strategies).  An infrared sensor starts and stops the patch as participants enter the space.