Inner Harboring (2007)


~an interactive piece for flute and computer music

Duration: 9:16
Flute: Kimary Welsh

Performance History:
Premiered at Jason Fick Terminal Project Concert- Micro Recital Hall, The University of Oregon, 5/5/07
Future Music Oregon- Micro Rectal Hall, The University of Oregon, 6/2/07

All Rights Reserved ~ Jason Fick ~ © 2010-2021

screenshot of an aleatoric section from Inner Harboring (to be used with random probability record and loop unit)

screenshot of random probability record and loop unit

screenshot of sound processing timeline (triggered in stages by flute player)

screenshot of live signal ring modulation unit

The digital sound material used in this piece is generated in real-time based on a number of pre-determined aspects that are influenced by the flute player. The sound component was designed in Kyma X.